How to submit Initiatives

How are new initiatives proposed?

Step 1 - Inform voters

Present your idea in the ‘Initiative’ category on Discourse to share your goals and objectives with the community.

This helps voters understand your proposal and make informed decisions about supporting it with their voting power. It’s recommended to get community buy-in before submitting it onchain.

Please follow the suggested framework.

Step 2 - Onchain submission

Any user having at least 0.01% of the total voting power of all LQTY staked and paying the registration fee of 1’000 BOLD can propose new initiatives.

Technically, any Ethereum address can receive Protocol Liquidity Incentives, but it is generally advisable to create a smart contract for the initiative, which contains any logic necessary to direct any received funds which will be paid in BOLD. This contract should be properly reviewed and audited by the proposer to ensure that it is secure and will work as intended.

The proposer should deploy the initiative to Ethereum, and then call registerInitiative(address _initiative) on the Governance.sol contract, paying 1’000 BOLD for registration.

Once registered, the initiative can be voted upon in the following epoch. For efficiency reasons, only initiatives which would receive a minimum 2% of the votes are eligible. Initiatives failing to reach this threshold during four or more consecutive epochs may be permissionlessly unregistered.

Received BOLD incentives must be claimed within a week, otherwise they get moved to the next epoch.