Past voting: Epoch 2

These initiatives can be voted on in the current Epoch which ends next Wednesday at 23:59:59 UTC. The initiatives will receive protocol incentives at the start of the following Epoch.

What initiatives can be voted on?

Why were those initiatives chosen?

  • Curve: Is optimized for stablecoin liquidity and enables V2 to incentivize pools in a trustless and automated manner.
  • DeFi Collective: proposed an initiative and has a good track record of supporting LUSD liquidity.

How to vote?
After staking LQTY on one of the frontends, you will be able to distribute your votes. Read more here.

What is a suitable vote distribution?
While every voter is free to allocate his voting power however desired, a split which would suit the protocol well in the beginning is:

  • Curve BOLD/USDC - 75% => Core mainnet liquidity for BOLD
  • Curve BOLD/LUSD - 10% => Support LUSD to BOLD conversions
  • Defi Collective - 15% => Expand BOLD to L2s

Once you have voted, your votes will count in all future epochs - you don’t need to vote every epoch. You only need to vote again if you want to adjust your voting weights, or if your LQTY stake changed (add/remove LQTY).

How long are Epochs?
Voting takes place during weekly epochs, which begin with the block on Ethereum that follows 00:00 UTC each Thursday, and ends with the last block on the following Wednesday at 23:59:59 UTC.

In the final 24-hour period of each epoch, existing votes can still be removed and reallocated to downvote initiatives.

Are those initiatives hard-coded?
No. In any weekly epoch new initiatives can be registered (e.g. for Uniswap V4) or deregistered.


Will vote as suggested for epoch 0. Excited to steer this ship with you guys.

  • Chud
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will vote as suggested as it sounds the best for the protocol

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